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EDO UnionEdo Union Freiburg e.V. is a philantropic organisation.
Aims and objectives:
To foster unity among the Edo indigenes in Freiburg and its environs, to project it´s image and culture, to educate members on their legal rights, privileges and limitations in the Federal Republic of Germany. To make contacts with other charity organisations in order to foster oue charity motives and to promote a friendly relationship among the Edos, the non Edos and the german communities.

Every last Saturday of the month at 18:30 hrs at Breisacher Str. 76, 79110 Freiburg

Henry Enehizena
Tel.: 0173-7071818
Webseite der Edo Union: www.edounionfreiburg.de

Stand: 3.8.2015

Mitglied im Kulturforum Freiburg e.V.kulturforum freiburg ev 2

